Ending up like a boss with a strong conclusion helps more than what you think!

Writing conclusion is more of an art than a work.

For most of the bloggers, the conclusion may be the most neglected part. They think – well I have finished writing the meat, and my job is finished. They end up the post tail-less.

Strong blog post conclusions

Readers come to your blog impressed by your catchy headline. Next to the title they read your awesome introduction and the mainstream content. You explain the epic things about a topic.

Then the conclusion – great opportunity to seal the stamp with your blog name on the readers’ mind.
The value of strong conclusions is often underrated. However, great conclusions have the real potential.

By reading the great ending, the readers may forget the mistakes you did in your post.

Let’s get started…


Tips to write great conclusions

Write conclusion by having the mindset of movie directors in mind. The climax of the movies (not all) are enchanting.

They are the one that people remember when they think of that movie. Whether it be emotional, curious, funny…

Match conclusion to readers’ mental state

Before writing the conclusion, ask yourself – what would be the mental state of the reader who reads my blog post till now. Are there any chances of them deciding anything? Has their thinking style been changed? What impact will my blog post have on my readers’ mind?

Write the conclusion accordingly.

Matching up the conclusion to that of your readers’ state of mind, you create a bond between you and your readers. Your readers think that theirs and your thinking is same.

The chances of them returning to your blog, looking for some new posts on your blog will be higher.

In other terms, conclusion is the best opportunity to shout out to your readers: “I have the same thinking style as yours”

In a nutshell…

Nothing but the wrap-up or takeaways.

Just give a synopsis of your entire blog post. Explain your 500 words in 50 words. While giving a summary of your blog post, make sure that you don’t repeat things that are already there in the post. Be concise.

Writing the essence of the entire post as the conclusion is both SEO and user-friendly.

End up inspirationally

Ending the conclusion with an inspirational quote works great.

“A quote speaks louder than the text in blogging”.

End the conclusion with inspirational quote

Effective great quotes have an everlasting impact on readers’ minds.

After reading the quote, readers think about it. They think about using its message in their life. They find the inner meaning in it.

They feel good while leaving your post.

The best place to find quotes is BrainyQuote. You can search for the quotes based on category. Some of the categories are Inspirational, Motivational, Funny, Positive, Life, etc.

Choosing the best quote to end your post is unto you.

Spark up a question

Including a question in conclusion, is one excellent way to get more comments on every post you publish. Sometimes readers who come to your blog to read and post a comment, may not be able to decide what to comment.

In conclusion section, you can help out the readers to comment on your blog by asking them like:

“That’s about me, what tools you use?”, Let me know in the comments.

It motivates them to leave comments on your post.

Ask them

Ask them to share the post. Include sharing buttons at the bottom of your blog. As soon as the readers finished your blog post they tend to share blog posts.

Ask them to subscribe. Do mention the benefits or offers they get from subscribing to your blog. Mention the benefits in a magnetic way.

You can also offer them the PDF version of your post. Hide the PDF file under social lockers. By this, your conclusion encourages them to share the blog post.

Include some epic links

This is the great way to guide your readers where to go after reading the current blog post.

Include related resources at the end of your blog posts. It helps reduce the bounce rate and increase on page user interaction in your blog. By linking out to more detailed resources, whitepapers or references, readers will be definitely thankful for you.

Why not let readers learn more, if they liked your blog post?

Quality outbound links help in SEO of your blog.

Ask readers to take next actions

Call to action for readers

What can readers do after reading this blog post?

Suppose if your post is about writing strong conclusions, then ask them to start digging up old blog posts and optimize conclusions.

Explain them what’s the point of the blog post, what they can learn, what they need to implement NOW and what are the takeaways.

Your readers should feel that by reading your post they’ve learnt something. Make them feel,”This blog is worth visiting again in the future”.

Glimpse about your future idea

If you have already had an idea of what to blog about in next blog post, then it’s a great idea to include the topic of the next blog post in the conclusion of the current blog post. It increases the curiosity of the readers.

They keep on visiting your blog waiting for the next blog post (Only if your present piece is worthy). Even they may subscribe, to get notified of the new blog posts. By this, you increase returning visitors to your blog posts.

However, remember that, for all this to happen, you should have high-quality blog posts.

Warn them in conclusion

If you have something to convey them that’s important, do that here.

Brainstorm some of the common mistakes that your readers may commit after reading your blog post. Warn them about the mistakes they may make.

Present them the risks associated with the tips or techniques you mentioned in your blog post. Explain them what they can do about it; a solution.

If you have any posts that minimize the risks you mentioned, link to them here. This helps visitors, who come to your blog to clarify a particular doubt or to know about risks.

You may also consider mentioning the things they should remember before implementing the strategy you mentioned in the blog post.

Tids bits

  • Some ideas for conclusion titles: Wrap up, final words, in the end, takeaways, in a nutshell, conclusion, over to you, What next, Summing up, Piling up, take home, pack up time, stick these stuff, etc…
  • Include a call to action.
  • Be cool, use cool words.
  • Be personalistic.
  • Call your readers, “YOU”. Point a finger.
  • After writing the post, skim it once. Imagine any questions that you left unanswered in your post. Make sure your conclusion clears up any confusions in your readers’ mind.
  • If your’s is a review or a comparison blog post, include the final verdict or bottom-line.
Things to write in great conclusions

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What next?

The strong ending of the blog posts is a surefire way to get returning visitors to your blog post. They make an everlasting impression on the minds of your readers.

If you have not included great, strong conclusions in your previous blog posts then do optimize and update them.

Identify the blog posts that are getting more traffic daily in Google Analytics. Those posts should be the first priority for you to optimize for a better conclusion.

The conclusion is the one that determines what your readers think/do after reading your post.

That’s it.

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