Do you know that 90% of the bloggers find difficulty in starting up the blog post with a catchy intro? If you are one of those 90%, read this blog post.

While writing any blog post, the main thing in which bloggers are stuck up is the introduction. However, once you learn how to write an effective, catchy blog post intro, you and your blog readers will get a head start. It will also help you to develop great ideas to write your blog post.

The readers, who visit your blog post without introduction, feel like attending a party where there are no acquaintances. Think of inviting guests to a party, then introducing them to others. How they feel like? Better than the first case? Definitely yes.

So writing a blog post introduction is like inviting the readers to your blog post, and introducing them to the topic, so that they won’t feel like a stranger.

You now understand the importance of blog post introduction. It’s important to make your boring intros, awesome.

Here are some of the quick tips that help you to write catchy intros for your blog posts:

Importance of effective blog post intros

Make or break

The first impression is the best impression. If your intro is not effective, then the reader will not bother to read further. Next to the headline, the thing that attracts visitors to become readers is an effective introduction.

Google and other search engines take the first paragraph of the blog post (usually intro) as Meta description when no description is specified. 

In this case, your blog post’s introduction is considered as Meta description and show up in SERPs. So considering this case, effective intros for a blog post help to increase click through rate in search engines.

If your blog post introduction makes your readers clear about the blog post you are writing, you definitely will not lose those visitors.

Tips for churning out irresistible intros for your blog posts:

Catchy blog post intros

Effective intro image

I heard a wise man said – “Image speaks louder than text”, I bet it’s true. Use an image that signifies the purpose of the entire blog post.

Do not always look for exact images. Use images that indirectly shows up what the blog post’s purpose is or for which type of readers this blog post is intended.

Akshay strongly recommends: How to Choose Perfect Images for Blog Posts

Make it clear

Always read your blog post in the perspective of the reader. Every reader, landing on your blog post, expects something and is searching for something. It is important to shout at them – “This blog post contains what you are looking for.”

For example, look at this very post’s introduction, by reading this you will get a clear idea about what is this blog post dealing with and what not it is.

Share probable common views

You can easily determine the common views, between you and your regular readers. Share those common views in the introduction. This will create a bond between you and your readers and they tend to read and involve in the complete blog post.

In this case, readers after reading the introduction, think that this author has the same mentality as mine and has crafted the blog post accordingly.

Keep it conversational

Rather than merely writing an introduction, talk to readers. Make your static text come alive and poke your reader’s mind.  Appear as if the author has casually had a conversation.

Blog posts that consist of static long-form text is an old practice, the modern trends in blogging are dictating that the blog posts should be conversational so that readers involve completely.

Start with an amazing fact
Do you know that 90% of bloggers find themselves difficult in writing blog post intros? – This is the fact with which I started this blog post’s introduction .

As soon as you start reading this blog post’s introduction, your curiosity, of knowing whether you are the one in 90% of those bloggers, becomes the main driving force for you throughout the blog post.

People love facts rather than tellings.

Start with a quote

Starting a blog post with a quote. It’s a great idea.

A single quote can be equivalent to a paragraph of content. It delivers the message to your blog readers effectively in only one line.
Readers believe great quotes from great people. Great quotes keep visitors intact with your blog.

Final words

The purpose of effective intros is to make a bond between you and the user that claims similarity between you and the visitor. In other words, the purpose of effective blog post introduction is to help visitors to verify the relevancy of the content, and help them to determine whether they are in the right place.

Whatever it is, introductions should be small, catchy, to the point.

I hope after reading this post, you came to know the importance of much-neglected part of the blog post, the blog post intro. Always keep in mind that blog post introductions are a great way to make visitors involved in your blog.